Mon, 1 May 2023
Welcome to the Social-Engineer Podcast: The Doctor Is In Series – where we will discuss understandings and developments in the field of psychology.
In today’s episode, Chris and Abbie are discussing: Conspiracy theories. They will talk about what makes a Conspiracy Theory and why we believe them. [May 1, 2023]
00:00 - Intro 00:17 - Dr. Abbie Maroño Intro 00:59 - Intro Links - - - Managed Voice Phishing - - Managed Email Phishing - - Adversarial Simulations - - Social-Engineer channel on SLACK - - CLUTCH - - - 04:45 - The Topic of the Day: The TRUTH Behind Conspiracy Theories 05:54 - What is a Conspiracy Theory? 07:39 - What's the harm? 10:20 - WHY??? 11:17 - Pattern Seekers 13:15 - Cognitive Closure 17:04 - The Role of Critical Thinking 19:18 - An Existential Element 20:41 - Don't Forget the Lizards! 22:35 - What about Bigfoot? 24:30 - Escapism 30:15 - Reading the Emotions 32:29 - Social Motive 33:31 - Emotions vs Critical Thinking 36:42 - Prove Me Wrong! 39:09 - The Takeaway: Empathy 40:57 - Wrap Up & Outro -
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